Past Facilitators

Jana Kurita
Hi! My name is Jana Kurita and I am currently a junior at UCSC. I am a double major in psychology and art. I am really excited to be a part of this program! I believe art has a healing power which can be used by anyone. I joined the Art Initiative to help women inmates express their feelings through a medium they might be used to, but can greatly benefit them. As an art major myself, I fully believe in expressing yourself through drawing, painting, or any other form. I am proud to be in a group which strives to help women inmates understand their self a little more, and I know I will be right along side them learning a bit more about myself and knowledge from all the other art facilitators.

Jazmin Grant
Hello, I’m Jazmin Grant, and I’m a literature major at UCSC but have always been interested in helping to prevent recidivism by interfering its cycle. I’ve been involved in many different fields of work but I feel that the best way I’ve helped to support my community has been in this journey through the minds of the incarcerated.

Brooke D'Avis
Hey there! My name is Brooke D'Avis and I am a third year Art major at UCSC. I am so excited and honored to have recently become apart of the Art Initiative team. I am a huge believer in using art to express emotions in a creative healthy way. Being able to provide a space for these women to reflect upon their lives and experience personal growth is extremely fulfiling and rewarding. I hope to learn a little bit more about myself as well during my time in this group.

Mayra Varela
Hello, there! My name is Mayra Varela. I am currently a third year sociology student at UC Santa Cruz and I am involved with the Art Initiative program because of my interest in the legal system and its inequities. The fact that jails are so hidden and ignored, leads to hindered growth and inadequate help towards the incarcerated. Through this program I am able to fulfill my desire to help those affected by the legal system through the use of art. This art program keeps imprisoned women connected with the outside as well as helping them grow mentally. I am so interested in learning from the women in the jail and watching them grow.

Hope Catan
Hi, my name is Hope Catan and I am a graduate student at Notre Dame de Namur University in the Master of Arts in Art Therapy program. My interest in societal systems and my passion for art is what has led me to become a member of the ART Initiative. I am excited to see the expressive and transformative power of art at work in the lives of the women in the program. I look forward to working along side and learning from all of the current and new facilitators; their experience is invaluable and their dedication and enthusiasm for the program is truly inspiring. My goal as a facilitator is to promote resilience and instill hope in the women served in this program.